Platform Beer Co (LOCOBA)
1201 Main St, OTR

Platform Beer Co is a Cleveland-based brewery that expanded to a taproom in Cincinnati in 2019 after opening up a Columbus location as well. The Cincinnati taproom – which holds a brewing license but is technically not brewing in the Queen City – is known as LOCOBA, which is short for “Local, Coffee, Barrels.” The taproom is also a coffee shop and has food available.
The taproom has a bright, inviting atmosphere, including a large living wall, lots of green plants, and modern furniture.
Platform was purchased by Anheuser Busch-InBev in 2019, meaning that the brewery is no longer considered “craft” according to the Brewers’ Association.
Must-try beer: Speed Merchant (white IPA) – White IPAs are one of the more underrated styles, but Platform has kept Speed Merchant as one of its core offerings for awhile.
Other great beers: Yammy Yammy, High Brow Barista